Photography Quotes
“Photography is creativity before science.”
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“Making photos requires intelligence and passion.”
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“Shoot things for myself and just by observing the world, enjoying what it is there, and capturing it in the way that I see fit.”
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“Popularity does not necessarily signify mastery.
So shoot for you and post your work to share it with the world. But, don’t get stuck in chasing likes and follows because they don’t mean what you think.”
⁃ Sean Tucker
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"To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing."
⁃ Elbert Hubbard
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"Any fool can criticize, complain and condemn, and most fools do."
⁃ Dale Carnegie
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"It’s easy to attack and destroy an act of creation. It’s a lot more difficult to perform one."
⁃ Chuck Palahniuk