“If you are out there shooting, things will happen for you.
If you’re not out there, you’ll only hear about it.”
— Jay Maisel
An American photographer.
The Art Directors Club Hall of Fame.
The Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Society of Media Photographers.
The Infinity Award from the International Center of Photography.

My stay at Egypt
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Beginning of Adventure
Extreme weather conditions
Language barrier
Cultural difference
Primitive living environment
Made the best out of the worst !!
Cairo International Airport
Looking back at different angles
Cairo City

Giza Pyramid


Large Blocks Large Pyramids

Naked Surface

The Egyptian Museum

Unknown Soldier Memorial and President Anwar Sadat Tomb

Cairo International Convention and Exhibition Centre

The Palace

Cairo Tower

Nightview of Cairo
Islamic Mosques

Christian Churches


Homeless Home

Seatless Tricycle

Copper Artcraft

Copper Lamps

Wholesale Market

Tea Houses




Inter-city Train

Train Station

Train Station

Proceeding to . . .