“Quit trying to find beautiful objects to photograph.
Find the ordinary objects so you can transform it by photographing it.”
— Morley Baer
(1916 - 1995)
an American photographer,
World War II United States Navy combat photographer,
head of the photography department at the San Francisco Art Institute.
01: Fading Heritage
02: Preserving
03: Making Legacy
04: Leading
05: Engaging
06: Progressing
07: Self-protecting
08: Sanitising
09: Lampshade Re-using
10: Imaginating
11: Self-entertaining
12: Family Joy
13: Drinking & Caring
14: Keep Moving
15: Table Waiting
16: Online Communicating
17: Poetic Expression
18: Bright & Brighter
19: Food Searching
20: Imagine Endlessly
21: Come and Go
22: Smiling
23: Deciding
24: Watching
25: Promise Keeping
26: Masking. Eating. Thinking.
27: Embracing
28: Seeing
29: Reading with Mouth
30: Exploring
31: Exciting
32: History Writing
33: Enjoying
34: Bright Passage
35: Standing By